Bargaining and incomplete information
• Room 303
Xin Zhang (University of Bologna)
Random Dictatorship in Two-Person Bargaining with Incomplete Information: An Experiment.
Enya Turrini (Royal Holloway University of London)
Information-signaling in pre-trial bargaining: An experiment.
Christoph Vanberg (University of Heidelberg)
Legislative bargaining with private information - experimental evidence.​
• Room 304
Jan S. Krause (Kiel Institute for the World Economy)
Hungry and Rational: Preference Shifts and Rationality under Food Deprivation.
Annika Mueller (University of Groningen)
Aspirations and Hope of Smallholders Regarding Financial Well-Being in Old Age - Evidence from an RCT in Rural Ghana.
Miri Stryjan (Aalto University)
The Anatomy of Deliberative Decision making -- Voice and Choice in a Public Good Game in Malawi.​
Norms and Morals
• Room 305
Georgia Michailidou (New York University Abu Dhabi)
Signals of Consent.
John Hamman (Florida State University)
Self-Governance and Ethical Behavior in Markets.
Karine Nyborg (University of Oslo)
Image Preferences as a Driver of Normative Polarization.​
Political Economy 1
• Room 306
Arttu Ahonen (Aalto University)
Tagging for Votes: Can Targeted Transfers Make Carbon Pricing More Acceptable?
Yuxuan He (Tilburg Universtiy)
Talk helps, but excess talk hurts: the swing voter's curse and deliberation.
Edoardo Cefala (JKU Linz)
Sorting fact from fiction in a complex world under the shadow of motivated reasoning.​
​​​Trust games
• Room 307
Hanna Björkstedt (Tampere University)
In Online and Laboratory We Trust: Comparing Trust Game Behavior in Three Environments.
Daniel Banki (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Trust across contexts: the US vs. Japan.
Graciela Kuechle (Heilbronn University)
Preemptive signaling and the emergence of trust in entrepreneurial investments.​
• Room 308
Jakob Moeller (Wirtschafsuniversität Wien)
Can being competitive but unsuccessful harm you, even more so when you are a woman?
Don Isuru Janaranjana Samaranayake (School of Economics)
Motivating Public Servants: Can Offering High Pay Lead to Reduced Motivation?
• Room 309
Andrea Isoni (Warwick Business School)
The Demand and Supply of Paternalism.
Björn Bartling (University of Zurich)
Paternalistic Interventions: Determinants of Demand and Supply.
Topi Miettinen (Hanken School of Economics & Helsinki GSE)
Personal and societal conflict of distributive principles and preferences.
Parallel Session 2
Friday, Sept 6th, 12:00-13:00
Context effects in bargaining
• Room 303
Elif Tosun (University of Pompeu Fabra)
Putting negotiation in context: The US vs Japan.
Ali Ozkes (SKEMA Business School)
Ultimatum Bargaining: Algorithms vs Humans.
Holger Rau (University of Göttingen)
The Economic Effects of Remote-Bargaining vs. Face-to-Face Bargaining.
Collective action and public goods
• Room 304
Joyce Delnoij (Utrecht University)
Behavioural Common-Enemy Effect in a Voluntary Contribution Experiment.
Daniel Woods (University of Innsbruck)
Personality Testing and the Public Goods Game.
Matthew Ellman (IAE-CSIC)
Coordinating an uncertain crowd - a laboratory experiment.​
Groups and identity
• Room 305
Huanren Zhang (SDU)
Gender identity, salience of information, and tacit coordination.
Sorravich Kingsuwankul (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Oath, autonomy and lying in groups.
Tom Lane (Newcastle University)
Social Identity in Network Formation.
Political economy 2
• Room 306
Konrad Dierks (Toulouse School of Economics)
Does universalization ethics justify participation in large elections?
Assia Abdelfattah (GAEL LAB)
Individual and social acceptability of tax systems in unequal societies.
Angel Solano Garcia (Universty of Granada)
The effect of tax avoidance in voting decisions: a real - effort task experiment.
Learning and multiple equilibria in games
• Room 307
Lennart Stangenberg (University of Groningen)
You Know, So I Know: Observability of Endogeneous Information Acquisition in a Threshold Public Goods Game.
Federica Alberti (University of Portsmouth)
Predicting efficiency in threshold public good games: a learning direction theory approach.
Yaoyao Xu (University of Vienna)
Equilibrium Transitions in Sampling Dynamics: An Experimental Investigation.
Competition and performance at work
• Room 308
Yang Zhong (University of Amsterdam)
Working Under Distractions.
Sahar Sangi (University of Amsterdam)
Willingness to compete in a dirty competition.
Noemi Peter (University of Groningen)
Willingness to Compete: (Survey) Measures and Behavior.
Fairness and inequality 1
• Room 309
Martin Brun (Tampere University)
The complexity of being fair.
Amir Jafarzadeh (University of East Anglia, Centre for Behavioural and Experi)
Strategic fairness and the source of inequality.
Subrato Banerjee (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)
Fairness is flexible: A study of competing focal points.
Parallel Session 3
Friday, Sept 6th, 14:30-15:30
Group Identity, image, and rule following
• Room 210
Selin Arslanoglu (Tilburg University)
Group Identity and Rule-Following.
Pierce Gately (University of Nottingham)
Rule Following and Cooperation.
Arno Apffelstaedt (University of Cologne)
Group Image Concerns.
Charitable Giving 1
• Room 303
Jonas Kaiser (Technical University of Berlin)
Bluffing in Charitable Giving - An Experiment on Indirect Signalling.
Hiroki Kato (Hitotsubashi University)
Charity Fraud: An Experimental Study of the Moral Hazard Problem in the Charity Market.
Matej Lorko (University of Economics in Bratislava)
Registering to donate.
Institutions and cooperation
• Room 304
Christine Meemann (Helmut-Schmidt-University, Hamburg)
Institutional Change in the Infinitely Repeated Prisoners’ Dilemma.
Jaimie Lien (Shandong University)
Self-Commitment for Cooperation.
Jie Zheng (Center for Economic Research, Shandong University)
With Great Deduction Comes Great Cooperation: Theory and Experiment in Public Goods Provision.
Health and incentives
• Room 305
Liying Zhang (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Advise others before making your own food choice: an experimental investigation.
Yohanes Eko Riyanto (Nanyang Technological University)
Intergenerational Incentives for Organ Donation: Balancing Donor vs. Family Priority.
Florian Schneider (University of Copenhagen)
What Money Shouldn’t Buy: Aversion to Monetary Incentives for Health Behaviors.
• Room 306
Marta Kozakiewicz (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management)
Belief-Based Utility and Signal Interpretation.
Hedda Nielsen (Humboldt University of Berlin)
Biased belief updating and memory: The role of confidence.
Roberto Weber (University of Zurich)
Beliefs and preferences in coordinated discrimination.
• Room 307
Sara Engeler (University of Heidelberg)
Pursuits for Status: Gender Differences in Tournament Choices in the Presence of Social Status Ranking.
Angela Jiang-Wang (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research)
Penalties, rewards and prosocial behavior: measuring social esteem.
Gergely Hajdu (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Internal Categorization and Motivated Information Acquisition.
Cooperation and Repeated games
• Room 309
Ajalavat Viriyavipart (American University of Sharjah)
Framing Effects in Informal Risk Sharing.
Christian Thöni (University of Lausanne)
Spheres of Influence in Multigame Contact.
Parallel Session 4
Friday, Sept 6th, 16:00-17:00
Lightning 1
• Room 210
Mey-Ling Sommer (Helmut Schmidt University
Misrepresented Risks, Misguided Beliefs: Unveiling Efficiency Impacts.
Cornelius Schneider (University of Mannheim)
Externalities, Social Preferences, and Property Rights.
Menusch Khadjavi (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Social Capital and Social Credit Scores: Experimental Evidence from China.
Juliane Wiese (Warwick Business School)
Guilty enough to notice? White racial affect and attention to racial inequality.
Nathalie Müller (LISER)
Understanding Positional Concerns in Economic and Health-Related Decisions.
Lisa Spantig (RWTH Aachen)
Experimentally validated survey questions for lying costs.
Charitable Giving 2
• Room 303
Anna Veri (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel)
Malleable Choice Bracketing and Pro-social Behavior.
Tomás Malinovský (Ekonomická Univerzita v Bratislave)
Coordination on altruistic markets with imperfect substitutes.
Lauri Sääksvuori (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare)
Individual and geographical variation in economic preferences.
Environment and prosociality
• Room 304
Nahomy Gallo Aguilera (INRAE)
Participation of pesticide retailers in the agroecological transition.
Andrea Erhart (University of Innsbruck)
Exploring Pro-Environmental Attitudes and Behavior Among Young and Old Adults.
Pol Campos-Mercade (Lund University)
Prosociality predicts environmental behavior.
Health and risk
• Room 305
Benedicta Hermanns (University of Hamburg & Hamburg Center for Health Economics)
Risk and Prosociality: Can Experimental Decisions Predict Health Behavior?
Mitri Kitti (Aalto University)
Willingness to Pay for the Reduction of Fatal and Nonfatal Health Risks: Traffic Accidents
and Infectious Diseases.
Stefan Traub (Helmut-Schmidt-University)
Sow the Doubt, Reap the Inefficiency: A Laboratory Study on Communicating Risks in the Presence of Non-Events\thanks.
Motivated beliefs and political economy
• Room 306
Stefan Schmidt (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn)
Preferences on immigration and beliefs about the speed of immigrants’ integration into society.
Julia Baumann (WZB & HU Berlin)
The Mobility Illusion: Motivated Beliefs and the Persistence of Inequality.
Diego Marino Fages (Durham University)
Motivated Forecasts: Evidence from the Presidential Elections in Argentina.
Characteristics of games and solution concepts
• Room 307
Till Weber (Newcastle University)
Relationship closeness and team reasoning in asymmetric coordination games.
Hannes Rau (KIT Karlsruhe)
Transformation of 2x2 Games and Nash Equilibrium Play.
Ahrash Dianat (University of Essex)
Testing Concepts of Simplicity in Mechanism Design.
Financial Literacy: New Directions
• Room 309
Alessia Sconti (Bocconi University)
Evaluating a Financial Education National Campaign: Experimental Evidence from Italy.
Jaakko Mustonen (University of Vaasa)
The role of financial literacy on payment defaults: Finnish survey evidence.
Olli-Pekka Ruuskanen (Pellervo Economic Research, PTT & University of Vaasa)
Insurance literacy, trust and behavior - evidence from Finland.
Parallel Session 5
Saturday, Sept 7th, 9:00-10:00
Unethical session
• Room 210
Georgia Buckle (University of Portsmouth)
The Dark Tetrad and Leadership Selection: Pre-registered Evidence from a General Population Sample.
Merav Malcman (Ruppin Academic Center)
Dirty Money and Investors’ Preferences.
Gönül Dogan (University of Cologne)
Authoritarian Preferences.
Other-Regarding Preferences
• Room 303
Jorg Franke (University of Bath)
Strategic Reciprocity in a Contest with Large Stakes.
Marco Stimolo (University of Siena)
Effect of Income Mobility and Redistribution on Trust. A lab experiment.
Oliver Hauser (University of Exeter)
Beliefs about gender differences in social preferences.
• Room 304
Susann Adloff (Kiel Institute (IfW Kiel))
Adapting to climate change: the role of event type for protection motivation.
Tuuli Sen (Pellervo economic research PTT)
Nudging agricultural climate action with social norms: a choice experiment.
Maria Alejandra Erazo (University of Bologna)
Low-carbon transition expectations and policy uncertainty: an experimental approach.
Public Goods
• Room 305
Joris Schröder (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Group Membership and Cooperation: Evidence From a Nationwide Group Donation Programme Among Blood Donors in Australia.
Irene Mussio (University of Leeds)
Cooperating to improve environmental outcomes: a lab-in-the-field experiment in the Mekong River Delta.
Francesca Pancotto (University of Modena)
Can we fix corruption? Endogenous information and exit reduce corruption in a PGG with institutional punishment.
• Room 306
Tobias Wekhof (ETH Zurich)
Comparing open and closed-ended questions to explain the attitude-behavior gap for
sustainable investors.
Zahra Sharafi (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management)
Developing Reliable and Globally Valid Measures for Economic Preferences ? International Testing of the GPS.
Tomas Miklanek (Prague University of Economics and Business, Prague)
Measuring Conditional Cooperation: An Improved Method.
Biases in Finance
• Room 307
Duangrat Prajaksilpthai (Tilburg University)
Anxiety and motivated beliefs in the financial domain.
Sivan Riff (Ruppin Academic Center)
Equity Home Bias Cost and Puzzle for Non- Myopic Rational Investors.
Guy Barokas (Ruppin academic center)
Foreign Language Mitigates Home Bias.
Artificial Intelligence 1
• Room 308
Nina Ostermaier (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg)
Lie Against AI: Revealing Private Information through AI in an Economic Experiment.
Damiano Paoli (University of Bologna)
Coordination and Leadership: the Impact of Artificial Intelligence.
Sebastian Fehrler (Universität Bremen, Socium)
Generative AI Triggers Welfare-Reducing Decisions in Humans.
The Impact of Payment Systems on Healthcare Provision
• Room 309
Heike Hennig-Schmidt (University of Bonn)
Physicians’ incentives, patients’ characteristics, and quality of care: An experimental comparison of performance pay.
Ellen Green (Arizona State University)
The Endorsement Effect of Pay for Performance Incentives: Insights from a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Katri Sieberg (Tampere University)
Payment Systems, Insurance and Agency Problems in Healthcare. A Medically Framed Real Effort Experiment.
Parallel Session 6
Saturday, Sept 7th, 12:00-13:00
Lightning 2
• Room 210
Ola Andersson (Uppsala University)
The Virtual Bingo Blower -- An open source tool to generate randomness in experiments with an application to ambiguity.
Hila Hindy Ling (Ruppin Academic Center)
Longitudinal Impact of Status-Quo Bias on Emotional Well-being During War.
Matteo Ploner (University of Trento - Department of Economics and Managemen)
The Impact of Chatbot Bias on Human Cooperation: An Experimental Analysis.
Jiaying Li (University of Edinburgh)
Complexity and Higher-Order Rationality: An Experimental Study.
Bernd Irlenbusch (University of Cologne)
Virtual Handshakes in the Moonlighting Game.
Parenting and child development
• Room 303
Qinyou Hu (Aalto University)
Reducing Bullying: Evidence from a Parental Involvement Program on Empathy Education.
Karen Ye (Queen’s University)
Parental beliefs about child development: Community vs. expert knowledge.
Stefania Bortolotti (University of Bologna)
Promoting Parental Time-Investments in Preschool Children through a Mindful Parenting Program.
Measuring Beliefs & Preferences
• Room 304
Tal Shavit (The Department of Economics and Business Administration. Ari)
The Perceived Future Impact (PFI) index - How will work-life balance affect one’s future?
Marco Lambrecht (Hanken School of Economics & University of Stavanger)
Eliciting rankings of distributive justice principles.
Health and prosociality
• Room 305
Salamatu Nanna Adam (Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education -Economi)
Health Risk Information, Social Stigma and Demand for Condoms: Experimental Evidence from Ghana.
Eyal Gamliel (Ruppin Academic Center)
Effects of framing and status-quo on perceived fairness of health resource allocation.
Francisco Lagos (University of Granada)
Matching-gift strategy in blood donation: the impact of different prosocial incentives.
• Room 306
Juliana Goncalves (Unuversity of Sydney)
Within-Individual Consistency of Survey and Laboratory-based Measurements of Self-Control.
Jack Fitzgerald (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
The Impact of Hypothetical Incentives on Experimental Outcomes and Treatment Effects.
Alistair Wilson (University of Pittsburgh)
Costly belief elicitation and marginal incentives.
• Room 307
Gonzalo Arrieta (University of Zurich)
Procedural Decision-Making in the Face of Complexity.
Maria Cubel (City University London)
Performance-Based Assessment of Strategic Reasoning: A Recombinant Estimator Approach.
Andis Sofianos (Durham University)
Errors and Cognitive Skills in Rule Implementation.
Algorithmic Advice
• Room 308
Alexander Erlei (University of Göttingen)
Technological Shocks and Algorithmic Decision Aids in Credence Goods Markets.
Ariel Listo (University of Maryland)
Decision-Making under Algorithmic Recommendation: The Role of The Choice Architecture.
Dmitri Bershadskyy (Otto-von-Guericke University)
The era of algorithmic advice.
Conformity, Authority and Social Norms
• Room 309
Erin Krupka (University of Michigan)
Determinants of Norm Compliance: Moral Similarity and Group Identification.
Fabio Galeotti (Groupe d’Analyse et de Théorie Economique)
The power of leadership in changing social norms in heterogenous societies.
Daniel John Zizzo (School of Economics, The University of Queensland)
Why Behave like Sheep? Understanding Compliance and Peer Effects.
Parallel Session 7
Saturday, Sept 7th, 14:30-15:30
Lightning 3
• Room 210
Marcela Gomez-Ruiz (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)
Bridging the Gender Gap in Access to STEM through In-Exam Stress Management.
Oded Ravid (Ruppin Academic Center)
The Impact of a Sense of Belonging on Truth-Telling and the Role of Gender.
Christian Koch (University of Vienna)
Slanted information and immigration attitudes: A survey experiment.
José Javier Domínguez (University of Granada)
Gender Equality in Organizational Decisions: Are We Making Progress?
Eva Ranehill (Gothenburg and Lund University)
Continuous Gender Identity and Economic Decision Making.
Asset market experiments
• Room 303
Melanie Parravano (Newcastle University)
Asset Prices and Bank Runs: Theory and Experimental Evidence.
Christoph Huber (Aalto University)
Do experimental asset market results replicate? High powered replications of 17 key results.
Olga Rud (University of Stavanger)
ETF indexing strategies and asset prices: Experimental evidence.
Fairness and inequality 2
• Room 304
Jeffrey Yusof (University of Zurich)
Skill-Biased Inequality, Market Luck, and Redistributive Preferences.
Simona Stella Sartor (University of Zurich)
Meritocracy and Birthrights.
Satu Metsälampi (University of Turku)
The Welfare Consequences of Learning where one stands: Evidence from a Large Field Experiment.
Consumer search
• Room 305
Jaakko Aspara (Hanken School of Economics)
Personal values and online footprint in smartphone consumer search.
Andreas Ortmann (UNSW)
Preventing Search with Wicked Defaults.
Theodore Turocy (University of East Anglia)
Consumer engagement in markets: Measuring preferences between search tasks with different characteristics.
Gender discrimination and stereotypes
• Room 306
Lea Naemi Weigand (University of Zurich)
Gender-Stereotypes in Task Choice: An Experimental Investigation of Taste-Based vs. Statistical Self-Stereotyping.
Yee Wah Lisa Chan (Monash University)
Breaking ties: Experimental evidence on subtle discrimination.
Ismael Rodriguez-Lara (Universidad de Malaga)
Gender stereotypes and homophily in team formation.
Bounded Rationality
• Room 307
Hironori Otsubo (Chuo University)
Bottleneck Congestion and Endogenously Determined Departure Times under Bounded Rationality.
Allegra Maguire (Linköping University)
Opportunity cost neglect in the shadow of partisanship: an experimental study on attitudes toward public policies.
Leon Landes (Ruhr-University Bochum)
Statistics, Salience, and Contrast.
• Room 308
Matteo M. Marini (University of Bologna & Masaryk University)
Cultural values and economic choices: Three meta-reanalyses of experimental evidence.
Reha Tuncer (University of Luxembourg)
Skills, Inequality, and Referrals.
Xiaoyue Shan (National University of Singapore)
Gender Diversity Improves Academic Performance.
Human and AI Interaction
• Room 309
Marco Palma (Texas A&M University)
Humanization of Virtual Assistants and Delegation Choices.
David Almog (Kellogg School of Management)
AI vs. Human Oversight: Experimental Evidence on Task Performance.
Daniel Martin (University of California, Santa Barbara)
The ABC’s of Who Benefits from Working with AI: Ability, Beliefs, and Calibration.
Parallel Session 8
Saturday, Sept 7th, 16:00-17:00
Lightning 4
• Room 210
Milos Fisar (Masaryk University)
Self-Control and Marginal Productivity of Labor: Experiment on Breaks, Productivity, and Cyberloafing in Continuous Time.
Manela Karunadasa (Tampere University)
Credence Goods & Payment Systems: Experimental Results.
Jan Philipp Krügel (Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg)
Fake Reviews in Digital Markets: Fraudulent Behavior and Market (In-)Efficiency.
Sandro Casal (University of Trento)
Social Dynamics in Tax Compliance: The Indirect Echo Effect of Observing Others’ Tax Behavior.
Milla Nyyssölä (LABORE)
Relationship of the bride price tradition on core self-evaluation traits - self-efficacy, locus of control and self-esteem in Tanzania.
Cary Deck (University of Alabama)
Multidimensional Final-Offer-Arbitration.
Behavioral Finance
• Room 303
Nicole Hentschel (University of St.Gallen)
Risk attitudes and the transaction demand for cash holding.
Theo Herold (Hanken School of Economics & Hleisnki GSE)
Belief formation over sequential financial predictions: Humans vs. AI.
Matthijs Lof (Aalto University)
What Matters to Individual Investors in a Welfare State?
• Room 304
Andreas Orland (Corvinus University of Budapest)
Bidder Power in Multi-Unit Auctions: Theory and Experiment.
Yero Samuel Ndiaye (University of Cologne)
Soft floor auctions improve revenues and efficiency by exploiting bidder regret.
Ben Greiner (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
The winner’s and loser’s curse in single- and multi-unit auctions.
• Room 305
Patrycja Janowska-Widomska (University of Warsaw)
Gender schemas in academia. Evidence from the female professor riddle.
Daniel Carvajal (Aalto University)
Will Artificial Intelligence get in the way of achieving gender equality?
Johanna Mollerstrom (George Mason University)
The impact of inaccurate beliefs about gender biases.
Decisions under ambiguity
• Room 306
Ryoko Wada (Keiai University)
An Experiment for Dilation Property in Ambiguity.
Christoph Schütt (Helmut-Schmidt University, Hamburg)
On the Stationarity of Ambiguity Preferences.
Erik Wengström (Lund University)
Context Effects under Ambiguity.
Organizational & management
• Room 307
Lisa Klinkenberg (RWTH Aachen University)
Creative Performance in Teams: The Effect of Workplace Settings and Self-Selection - an Experimental Study.
Anastasiia Lisovaia (Luiss Guido Carli University)
Subordinate Appraisal vs. Peer Review: Which induces less Halo Effect?
Lara Ezquerra (University of the Balearic Islands)
The Impact of Framing Effects on Incentivized Creative Performance.
Firm & Consumer behavior and Externalities
• Room 308
Cheng Lu (Hanken School of Economics & Helsinki GSE)
Carbon-offets and crowding out of prosocial incentives.
Maximilian Vincent Erdmann (TU Bergakademie Freiberg)
Empirical Evidence on the Effectiveness of Incentive Strategies for Firms’ Eco-Design.
Sili Zhang (LMU Munich, Department of Economics)
Consumer Perceptions of Corporate Value Communication.
• Room 309
Àlex Izquierdo Nofuentes (Universitat de Barcelona)
Building your team: The students’ dilemma when choosing companions.
Lajos Kossuth (MIT Sloan)
The effect of a nationwide public recognition program on teachers’ performance: evidence from a natural field experiment.
Charles Noussair (University of Arizona)
Burnout and performance: An experimental study.
Parallel Session 9
Sunday, Sept 8th, 9:00-10:00
Nudges interventions
• Room 210
Fanny Tallgren (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Do People Know What Breaks Their Hearts?
Mira Fischer (WZB Berlin Social Science Center)
Do Narratives about Psychological Mechanisms Affect Public Support for Behavioral Policies?
Peter Matthews (Middlebury College/Aalto University)
Climate Change Anxieties and Family Planning.
Artificial Intelligence 2
• Room 303
Julia Schwarz (Kiel University)
The influence of artificial intelligence on music preferences and willingness to pay.
Ursa Krenk (University of Zurich)
Learning about AI.
Luigi Mittone (University of Trento)
Students’ task performance: human, artificial intelligence, or hybrid? Evidence from a field experiment.
Field experiments 1
• Room 304
Lucie Schulz (University of San Francisco)
Game Changer: PWAs Leveling Up Field Experiments.
Salomo Hirvonen (University of Turku)
Who is Mobilized to Vote by Short Text Messages? Evidence from a Nationwide Field Experiment with Young Voters.
Andrea Albertazzi (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca)
Taming the Tap: Behavioral Interventions for Water Conservation.
Gender and discrimination; Labor
• Room 305
Lu Dong (Southern University of Science and Technology)
They Never Had a Chance.
Arie Sherman (Ruppin Academic Center)
Are employers happy to hire happy candidates? Happiness and Employability Sources.
Roel van Veldhuizen (Lund University)
Gender Differences in Self-Promotion and Career Advice.
Gambling and risky choice
• Room 306
Daniel Peredo Siles (Hanken School of Economics & Helsinki GSE)
Gamblers’ use of commitment devices.
Scott Dickinson (University of Exeter)
Is It Really a Fallacy to Believe in the ‘Hot Hand’ Effect?
Niko Suhonen (University of Eastern Finland)
Cognitive ability and dynamic risk taking: Evidence from horserace betting.
Behavioral theory and its predictability
• Room 307
Raquel Lorenzo Vidal (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
A theory of misperceived social preferences and norms.
Daniel Navarro-Martinez (Pompeu Fabra University)
Is behavioral economics predictable?
Erik Mohlin (Lund University)
Preferences as Heuristics.
Experimental industrial organization and policy
• Room 308
Florian Heine (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Exclusionary Pricing by State-Owned Enterprises: Experimental Evidence.
Jonas Maeser (Ruhr-University Bochum)
PV Leasing Models: A Game Changer to PV Adoption?
Sander Onderstal (University of Amsterdam)
How the design of cartel fines affects prices: Evidence from the lab.
Fairness and institutions
• Room 309
Svenja Hippel (University of Bonn)
A laboratory experiment on preferences for sharing losses in insolvency.
Sergio Mittlaender (Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy)
Conflict & Property Law: The Hidden Costs of Takings and of Liability Rule Protection.
Justin Valasek (NHH)
Fair Institutions.
Parallel Session 10
Sunday, Sept 8th, 12:00-13:00
Field Experiments 2
• Room 303
Rafael Paschoaleto (University of Göttingen)
Resilience to Climate Change: Diversification Strategies and Correlation Neglect.
Dagmara Celik-Katreniak (City, University of London)
Enhancing the Capital gains tax on property compliance: be precise, not graphical.
Shuwen Li (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
Coordination via Assurance: A Lab-in-the-Field Threshold Public Goods Experiment.
Commitment devices
• Room 304
Zouhier Kassaballi (University of Erfurt)
Procrastinating Study Behavior and The Effect of Learning Journals and Soft Commitments.
Jani-Petri Laamanen (Tampere University)
Procrastinators’ commitment choices.
Anna Popova (LMU Munich)
Meta-Analysis of Demand for Commitment Devices.
Health and norms
• Room 305
Alexandra Schubert (University of Zurich)
Give Me a Break: Perceived Returns to Rest.
Joel Lamb (University of Exeter)
Media Misinformation and Childhood Vaccination.
Matthew Robson (Erasmus School of Economics)
Responsibility-Sensitive Welfare Weights for Health.
Decisions under risk
• Room 306
Lasse Mononen (Bielefeld University)
The Empirical Content of Expected Utility.
Danièle Fares (University of Bergamo)
Paying Attention: The Role of Information Costs in Overcoming Myopic Loss Aversion.
Yan Xu (University of Groningen)
Revealed Randomization with Loss.
Auctions 2
• Room 307
Essi Kujansuu (University of Innsbruck)
Understanding lack of competition in public procurement.
Masao Nagatsuka (Osaka Gakuin University)
Obviously Dominant BDM Lotteries Experiments.
Daniel Bougt (Hanken School of Economics)
Ambiguity Aversion and the Decreasing Price Anomaly - An Experimental Study.
Organisational behavioural economics
• Room 308
Malte Baader (University of Zurich)
Testing Contemplation Questions to Promote Integrity in Organizations.
Natalia Valdez Gonzalez (Universitat de Barcelona)
Transparency as a Tool for Promoting Productivity.
Anna Hochleitner (Norwegian School of Economics (FAIR and SNF))
To hide or not to hide? How fear and futility affect the decision to report a mistake.
Gender and competitiveness
• Room 309
Angela Sanchez Gonzalez (Universidad Pontificia Comillas)
Anticipated Discrimination and Wage Negotiation: A Field Experiment*
Hirofumi Kurokawa (Kwansei Gakuin Univeristy)
The Impact of Gender and Group Identity on Willingness to Compete.
Thomas Buser (University of Amsterdam)
A competitive world.